This document is intended to state the program and goals of the self help group, Men at Peace.

MEN AT PEACE                    Date:      /      / 

It is further intended to document the attendance of Mr.  ___________________________ at the weekly Thursday night meetings held from 7:30PM to 9:00PM of Men at Peace at Temple Beth Sholom located at 2625 N. Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana, CA  92705. 

Men at Peace is a group encounter gathering of men who are or who have been suffering from violent rage or deep depression. Our gatherings attempt to guide our fellow brothers into an understanding of what causes us to react to events and people in our environment with either hostility withdrawal. We learn that our inappropriate reactions are typically behaviors for which we can and must first become responsible, and then change. 

Men at Peace uses the guiding principle that our rage is the end result of a traceable progression. By learning and understanding how our feelings are processed, and replacing poorly adapted behavior with effective ones, we become more in control of our tempers. The process is hardly ever the same for any two individuals. 

Our successes are due to the fact that the group dynamics allows men from all backgrounds a safe and honest place to unload their burden of shame and fear. 

Our group was founded in 1988 by Rev. Dick Brian Klaver at Garden Grove’s Crystal Cathedral as part of his ministry at that church. Rev. Klaver has written a book based on this group called: 

Men at Peace: Solutions for men caught in the cycles of rage and depression Thomas Nelson Publishing, Nashville (ISBN 0-8409-9995-9) 

As a group leader, I have personally observed, and documented, attendance by  Mr. __________________    at _______ recent meetings. Regular attendance typically indicates to the group a commitment to change. Due to the confidential nature of our meetings I cannot elaborate on our members’ progress. 

I would like to extend an invitation to any reader to contact me at my cell phone number below or to attend our meetings in order to learn more of what we are doing to heal and eliminate violence in our homes and in our lives.  

Meetings of Men at Peace are held every Thursday evening at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at:

“The Temple Beth Sholom, Rooms 8, 9 or 10, Santa Ana, CA.” 


_______________________________________________                 ______________________________

                  (Print & Sign Name)                                                   (Phone number)

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